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Loyalty Adjustment
Loyalty Adjustment allows users to manage loyalty points. Users will be able to create "In" (Increase Points) or "Out" (Redeem Points) adjustments. An "Out" adjustment will print a shopping voucher in the "Customer Loyalty Adjustment" report.


  1. The customer list will only load "Loyalty" customers. 
  2. The adjustment is "Not" editable after it has been saved.
  1. Customer Loyalty Adjustment Report
  2. Customer Loyalty Transaction.

Steps to create a Grade:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter below details:
    1. Enter the "Date" of adjustment.
    2. Enter the "Description".
    3. Enter the "Points" to adjust.
    4. Select the adjustment type. ("In" (Increase Points) or "Out" (Redeem Points) )
    5. Enter "Notes" to add additional information.

Figure 1 :Loyalty Adjustment